
Platform Companies Should Not Exploit Employee Protections for Profit Maximization

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Platforms Should Not Exploit Employee Protections for Increased Profit


In an effort to address the employment challenges faced by platform workers, Singapore has introduced measures mandating platform companies to offer enhanced employment protection such as contributions to CPF and medical insurance. However, Professor Sumit Agarwal, a distinguished academic at NUS Business School, argues that there is more room for improvement in ensuring these workers' economic stability.


Sumit Agarwal, the Low Tuck Kwong Distinguished Professor of Finance, Economics, and Real Estate at NUS Business School and Managing Director of the NUS Sustnable and Green Finance Institute SGFIN, identifies a critical need to scrutinize how platform companies handle price increases following such protections. He posits that transparency in these decisions is essential for mntning fr wages and benefits for platform workers over time.


Agarwal suggests that increased scrutiny on price hikes announced by platforms could prevent them from exploiting the benefits provided to employees solely for the purpose of boosting their profits. This requires ensuring that wage adjustments remn equitable under changing market conditions, thereby safeguarding both employee welfare and fr business practices.


Singapore's recent efforts in mandating employment protections offer a significant step forward for platform workers' rights. However, Professor Agarwal advocates for an enhanced oversight mechanism to prevent platforms from misusing these protections as a means to inflate profits at the expense of their employees.

To delve deeper into this subject and understand how such policies can be implemented effectively, further discussions involving stakeholders within industry, academia, and policymakers are encouraged. This collaborative approach could lead to more equitable businessthat benefit both employers and workers alike, contributing to sustnable growth in the digital economy.

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This article is reproduced from: https://nus.edu.sg/thought-leadership/platform-firms-must-not-exploit-protection-for-platform-workers-for-more-profit

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Singapore Platform Worker Employment Protections Profit Exploitation in Digital Economy Enhanced Employee Benefits Oversight Fair Wage Adjustments for Platforms Platform Company Price Hike Scrutiny Economic Stability for Gig Workers